CEGR Law has extensive experience in organizing special districts and serving as general counsel to the special districts upon formation. Special districts are utilized by developers, builders and property owners to assist in the financing, construction, operations and maintenance of public improvements, facilities, and services located within and without the boundaries of the special district. We have also assisted grass roots community efforts to form special districts to provide vital services to communities, including districts which provide health services, ambulance services, water and wastewater.
We work in communities throughout the State and have developed the knowledge and relationships to effectively assist in the organization of special districts and typically continue to serve as general counsel to special districts upon formation.
When looking to acquire real estate in Colorado, it is essential to determine whether the property is located within one or more special districts or subject to other public finance obligations, such as tax increment financing (TIFs), public improvement financing (PIFs) and payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs).If the subject property is in a special district or subject to public financing obligations, CEGR Law will review all relevant documents, including (as applicable) the special district’s service plan, evidence of organization, electoral authority, budgets and audits, agreements, mill levy and fees imposed, and outstanding debt obligations.
CEGR Law will investigate these documents and the financial structure and obligations of the special district, as well as to determine services provided by the special district to assist our client in evaluating the obligations, benefits and implications of any special districts related to their goals in purchasing the property. We have also assisted clients in identifying and negotiating more favorable terms with their buyers and/or the special district or other governmental entity as conditions to purchase.